multi-creative projects
creative designer
webflow designer
creative direction
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✏️ Design & Branding
📷 Photography

#Comfort Cheese

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Dom Queijo is a restaurant in Lisbon that shows itself to the world with a menu where cheese is king.
Every moment on the menu includes cheese and makes this small restaurant one of the best in Lisbon.

When the pandemic started in 2020, no one really knew what to expect and do.
They got to work and created a menu exclusively for delivery and takeaway. With a digital campaign, a dedicated website for orders and information as well as lives on instagram with recipes that people could create together.

It was 6 months of a lot of adrenaline and a lot of cheese sold.

Dom Queijo
Designer, Visual Developer
The project sought to break free from convention and embrace a spirit of innovation.

We opted to organize an in-house photoshoot, showcasing the school's students and staff. With careful precision, we transformed the school's garage into a fully-fledged studio, fashioning an illuminated structure using the 'O' from the logo.

Each set was thoughtfully curated to embody the unique essence of the ten master's programs.

Throughout the week-long production, we found immense delight in the creative process, immersing ourselves in the art of bringing our vision to life.
Every year, Ad Age launches a competition for young creatives to create the cover for its magazine, this year's briefing was to combine creativity with Dove's #ShowUs project and Getty Images that is the largest collection of stock images that the aim is to shatter beauty stereotypes by showing individuals as they are.


Imagine a cover that brings culture/art together with creativity. That is how this project was born.

Starting from the inspiration of #ShowUs photographs, I drew a face of a woman with many features on each side, assuming herself different and beautiful in her own way, now we live in a time when everything is too perfect and what makes us human is exactly this imperfect side.

Creativity has no barriers, no age, and taking on a secular art that are the Embroidery of Tibaldinho, a piece of handicraft that is cultural and immaterial heritage, in which my grandmother that is 80 years old, a woman who proves that creativity has no age and a master in this art, we made a team, in which she transported my drawing to the embroidery, giving it life and joining art, culture and creativity.

A piece of art that intersects with creativity in a unique way, giving texture and shape to the design created by me, embroidered by an 80 year old woman, in one of the smallest villages in Portugal, a cover that becomes a piece of craftsmanship, in fact creativity has no limits and that is the beauty of it.

The Embroidery of Tibaldinho

Tibaldinho (a really small village in the Center of Portugal) Embroidery is a Portuguese handicraft with 200 years of history and is characterized by being embroidered in white, on white cloth, with a decorative grammar that distinguishes it, gaining its own genuineness and identity.

For its patrimonial and symbolic value is considered a unique embroidery, constituting an important part of the cultural and immaterial heritage of Portugal, a symbol of identity and pride of the community of the small village of Tibaldinho.

Creative Process

For some time I wanted to do a project that brought together a contemporary design to the minimalist traces of the art of Tibaldinho Embroidery, I was always enthusiastic to draw something new for this embroidery, also because I was born in the village from where is the embroidery and all my life I lived with them around me. And of course, my biggest inspiration, my grandmother which is one of the great masters of this craft.

I started by seeing the images of the project #ShowUs and I gained some inspiration for the drawing. From there, I finished the drawing, always accompanied with the stitch book of Tibaldinho Embroidery, making all the traces of the drawing of the face of the woman have the characteristic points and the embroidery technique.

The drawing was then passed to the cloth by my mother, and then my 80-year-old grandmother did the embroidery with the stitches I chose, I talked to her, she advised me to change one or another point so things would look better. It was a very interesting process, we made a peculiar but very beautiful team.
During the whole project, what excited me the most was the process itself, thinking of joining a secular art with a contemporary design, and making a partnership with my grandmother.

It was very beautiful, to realize that creativity has no limits nor age to be creative.
Main Video by Fábio & Inês

The Bridge

The restaurant's distinctive feature, an exclusive bridge leading to its entrance, inspired the incorporation of a symbolic bridge within the logo itself. Symbolizing the connection between the guests and the captivating experiences awaiting them, the bridge acts as a powerful visual metaphor for the restaurant's promise of bridging culinary delights, sharing, and unforgettable moments. It serves as a reminder that Lago Lisboa is not just a physical location but a transformative experience.

Variable Logos

In line with Lago Lisboa's multifaceted nature, the brand identity was designed with the flexibility to adapt and reflect the different moments and experiences found within the restaurant. Multiple variations of the logo were developed, allowing for a seamless visual representation that resonates with the varying emotions and ambiances throughout the dining journey. Each logo variation encapsulates a unique aspect of the restaurant's offerings, evoking a sense of anticipation and curiosity.
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#Comfort Cheese

A project created in less than a week when the pandemic hit to try and help the restaurant.


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💻 Webflow
📷 Photography
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